Comprehensive Plan Connect2Create Logo Image

Comprehensive Plan: Connect 2 Create

The Development Services Department is responsible for the maintenance of the City's Comprehensive Plan - Connect2Create.  The Comprehensive Plan is the city’s long-range plan that will help guide decisions for the creation of our community over the next 20 years. This plan provides a vision for our community that will see the implementation of goals, strategies, and actions in the following areas of our city; community design; housing and neighborhoods; transportation and infrastructure; engagement and wellness; diversity, equity, and inclusivity; sustainability and resiliency; economic prosperity; and land use. Below you can find links for all 4 documents of the Connect2Create plan: the main document, and 3 companion documents (Community Profile, Outreach & Engagement, and the Action Plan). 

The City Council adopted a new Comprehensive Plan on November 21, 2022.  The modified Plan was an update to the last Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2010.

To access the Comprehensive Plan documents click on the following links:

 View the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map

  Reference Documents:

 Comprehensive Plan Topic Circle Image