FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Maps - This is the FEMA website that provides flood maps and other useful information regarding flood hazards in support of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Right of Way Permit - Excavation for the purpose of construction or maintenance for sidewalk/approach, utilities (fiber, electric, gas, sewer, water, etc.) and other.
Survey - Benchmarks & Vertical Control Points - Vertical Control was established to third-order accuracy utilizing existing National Geodetic survey monuments tied to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).
Traffic Counts - The City of West Des Moines regularly collects traffic count data for locations around the City.
Transportation Master Plan - This master plan serves as a framework for the development of a transportation system that meets the various mobility needs of the City's residents, businesses and visitors.
Ultimate Streets Map - The Ultimate Streets Map shows potential future alignments of major streets classified as expressways, arterials, or collectors. Alignment of future streets are subject to change.
Utility Map - The Utilities Map shows the locations of sanitary and storm sewer utilities.
Street Lighting Policy - The City shall require that this policy be implemented when street lights are
installed along a City street with an urban cross section.