WDMEMS/IA EMS Alliance uses an on-line scheduling website called EMS Manager by Aladtec, that is accessible from any computer that has an Internet connection and browser. This user-friendly website is a great tool for scheduling both part-time and full-time personnel. The full-time employees have a set schedule which is easily entered into the program. There are parameters set into the program that allow part-time staff to schedule themselves up to 28 hours a week. After 28 hours, the hours requested by personnel must be approved by administration before they are written into the schedule. The website also allows personnel to log on and offer shifts up for trade or giveaway. It stores email address for all employees in the website and sends an email (and a text message if your phone number is on file) to notify the crew of any hours that are available. This website is also how staff asks for time off/vacation time. Any staff member who logs on can view which employees are working and what station they are staffing or what truck they are working on.

For more information, please visit the company's website at: EMS Manager.