West Des Moines EMS Honor Guard was officially established in April of 2013 by a group of dedicated EMS providers as a way to remember our fallen colleagues.  Its purpose is to represent West Des Moines EMS by showing our respect, gratitude, pride and integrity as a public service for the City of West Des Moines.  Since its inception they have participated in a wide range of events in support of the community such as EMS Week Memorial Ceremonies, special events, and funerals.  The Honor Guard is supported through the dedication of eight West Des Moines EMS employees who attend regular training.  Not only is our goal to provide memorial services, but to raise public awareness of EMS as a part of the services provided and dedicated to the interests of our community.

The West Des Moines Honor Guard is currently commanded by Division Chief Doug Harms. Current Honor Guard Members include Lt. Becky Knowles, Lt. Tim Maher, Lt. Luis Martinez, Lt. Kristine Newell, Paramedic Joy Drake, and Paramedic Clint Bennethum.

For all Honor Guard inquiries please contact Division Chief Harms at doug.harms@wdm.iowa.gov.

The original Honor Guard

Honor guard in front of memorial


    Since its formation, the WDM EMS Honor Guard has made an annual appearance at the Memorial Service at PSF 19 for the beginning of EMS Week.

Honor guard walking in

Honor Guard

Honor guard facing memorial

Honor guard and flag

Honor guard walking out

    In this Memorial Ceremony, we honor the men and women of local EMS services who lost their lives in the previous year. Their names are carved into the statue that sits in front of PSF 19.

Honor guard split


    Our Honor Guard has also presented the colors at Sec Taylor Field at Principal Park for the EMS Day at the ICubs!



Photos courtesy of Becky Knowles.