West Des Moines, IA
Home MenuTraffic Complaint
You can let us know about a recurring traffic issue using this form. The information will be sent to our specialized traffic enforcement unit for resolution. Examples of uses for this form include:
- Vehicles consistently traveling too fast on a specific street
- An intersection where vehicles are not stopping for stop signs or traffic lights
- A vehicle that is consistently operated in a reckless manner or a stretch of roadway where vehicles are consistently operated in a reckless manner
- Other traffic issues that may require specialized enforcement or attention not already listed.
There are times when you should contact our dispatch at (515) 222-3321 about certain traffic problems. These include:
- Vehicles that are illegally parked
- A driver you believe is intoxicated
- A reckless driving incident that is happening right now
- Minor traffic crashes
You may also call 911 if necessary or you believe the situation is an emergency.
If the traffic violation is occurring outside the city limits of West Des Moines, you must report it to the police department where the traffic concern is occurring.
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